Tag Archives: Women

05 Nov




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29 Sep

Courage manifests itself in many ways. It can be a triumphant roar or a persistent whisper pushing you onward at the end of a long day.

For many women, courage is all they have in their darkest times. Terry Sidford, a certified life coach, has long been fascinated by the courage ordinary women show in extraordinary circumstances. Her new book, “One Hundred Hearts,” shares stories of the defining moments…..

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28 Sep

WOMEN ROCK. If you doubt that, read the stories of ordinary women who found they had extraordinary courage. In the everyday lives of women, challenges such as relationships, money, health, and family often keep us from becoming all we imagine. You will see yourself, your friends, and relatives in these stories and they will inspire you to look deeper and go further than ever before. Before you turn the last page, you will know that YOU rock.

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